Nairobi, Kenyan

Prof. Brendon Knott

Prof. Brendon Knott

Impact Leader


Brendon is Associate Professor and Acting Director of the Centre for Sport Business and Technology Research, in the Sport Management Department at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology in Cape Town, South Africa. His primary research interests are in sport tourism, sport events, legacy, place branding and destination management. He gained his PhD (Bournemouth University, United Kingdom) focusing on nation branding as a legacy of the 2010 FIFA World Cup for South Africa. He continues to have influence and serve the sport event tourism sector, chairing the 5th International Conference on Events (ICE 2021). He has conducted primary research at three FIFA World Cups and three Olympic Games. He serves as an Associate Editor for the “Journal of Leisure Research”, the Editorial Board of the “Journal of Destination Marketing and Management”, and the Advisory Board of “Event Management”, as well as conference co-chair of the Sport Leadership track at the International Leadership Association annual conference. He is passionate about the role of sport in emerging nations of the world, co-editing the 2021 book, “Sport and development in emerging nations”.

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